Partners for Success

Electrical Enclosures in pharmaceutical packaging machinery: the Partena case

13 June 2023
Electrical Enclosures in pharmaceutical packaging machinery: the Partena case

"We were looking for a partner that lived up to our expectations and had a well-defined method and credibility in the market. IRINOX fully reflects these characteristics. We are proud to collaborate with such a company!

Gianluca Trevisani

Production Planning Manager


Partena S.p.A.

Via Liguria 11/15

41012 Carpi (MO)

Tel. +39 059 694230

Fax +39 059 695820

IRINOX electrical enclosures in Partena's projects

Partena S.p.A. is a company part of the CAM group specialising in the manufacture of blister machines for the pharmaceutical sector. Thanks to close collaboration with the other companies in the group, it is able to provide complete and highly customised solutions for its customers' needs.

This type of machinery must offer the user high performance in terms of hygiene, even in the case of significant customisation. It is therefore essential for Partena to integrate high quality electrical enclosures into its industrial lines, making cleaning operations easy and accurate.


The customer's requirement

Partena needed to integrate stainless steel electrical cabinets with high hygienic performance on board the MX series blister machines, suitable for use in the pharma sector, given the immediate vicinity of the drugs.

It had in fact chosen to no longer use remote cabinets, preferring solutions with cabinets on board the machine, which are more compact and easier to install, even if there is little space available in the production facilities.

Why did Partena choose IRINOX?

The collaboration between IRINOX and Partena has been going on for more than 20 years and over the years various types of material have been supplied: from enclosures, to cabinets, to terminal boxes.

Even in the case of the MX Series, the choice was reconfirmed thanks to IRINOX's strong expertise in extreme product customisation and experience in the pharmaceutical sector.


More IRINOX case histories in the pharmaceutical sector >​

The product solution

Per rispondere alle esigenze di Partena, è stato sviluppato un armadio personalizzato prendendo come base l’armadio compatto in acciaio inox con anta cieca e collocazione a parete ASW.

Le modifiche proposte da IRINOX al modello della gamma erano finalizzate ad agevolare l’interazione dell’operatore sul macchinario e hanno coinvolto soprattutto l’anta, che:

  • è diventata di profondità maggiorata, così da consentire l’alloggiamento di una seconda piastra interna posizionata sull’interno dell’anta e permettere il cablaggio della numerosa componentistica elettrica, senza incidere negativamente sulle dimensioni esterne del quadro elettrico.
  • è stata raggiata, per rendere il design dell’armadio più omogeneo con il contesto in cui è inserito.
  • ha un’apertura a filo (non supera l’ingombro dell’armadio aprendosi).

L’armadio inoltre è stato installato sul telaio della macchina tramite cerniere, così da consentire al cliente di accedere alla parte della macchina situata posteriormente al quadro stesso. In questo caso è stato necessario dotare l’armadio di telaio interno di rinforzo, a garantire la giusta resistenza meccanica.

La personalizzazione ha riguardato anche forature e inserti, creati secondo disegno del cliente, così da agevolare il cablaggio dell’armadio.


Partena S.p.A. is an Italian company located between Modena and Bologna, in the heart of one of Europe's most important districts for the mechanical industry. It is a leading manufacturer of pharmaceutical packaging machinery, specifically in the packaging of tablets and capsules, ampoules, vials, syringes.

The company is part of the CAM Group, a group founded in 1949 that today comprises 15 companies producing packaging machinery for the pharmaceutical, cosmetics and food sectors.